How To Stay On Track With Nutrition While Traveling

general health nutrition weight loss Jul 25, 2022

If you simply reframe how you see traveling, you’ll find it’s an opportunity to have a personal chef at your fingertips for every meal.

Think about it: When you are away from home, you’re exposed to numerous food options, cuisines, restaurants, and fast foods. While at first this may seem like a problem, it’s really an opportunity.

In this episode of Hot Tea with Holly, you’ll learn my tried and true best methods to stay on track with nutrition while traveling. 

There’s no question that eating away from home can be challenging - especially when you’re faced with a variety of yummy “treat” foods that aren’t the most nutritious. The biggest part of the challenge is being exposed to your favorite foods and having the resolve to look away.

The key to staying on track with nutrition while traveling is to reframe how you see your food options. 

First, it’s helpful to start looking for all of the healthy options that are available to you. Aim to shift your focus from restricting yourself of the fun, sugary foods, or the salty fried foods, and focus on seeking out the foods that serve your body and goals.



Eating away from home can be like a game of hide and seek, where your task is to find all of the great options at your fingertips in any given situation. 

This applies to all situations outside of your own kitchen. Having dinner at a friend’s house? Make it your task to investigate and find the lean protein and vegetables that are there, alongside the richer foods. Quickly grabbing a snack at a convenience store? Scan all the sections to look for a few items that you can assemble to make a healthy snack like hard boiled eggs, nuts, and a banana. 

If you’re brave enough to make a few requests, restaurant eating starts to feel like you have a personal chef at your fingertips. Take a look at the menu and see what healthy options are there. Then, simply request your favorite items be turned into an entree. 


For example, if you see halibut, broccoli, and roasted baby potatoes on the menu under different dishes, you can ask the kitchen to put them together as a special plate just for you.

Second, make a definitive decision that your primary goal is to eat similarly on the road as you do when at home. Do you have a healthy breakfast that is your go-to option when you’re at home? Say for example that you have a protein smoothie for breakfast most days. Simply aim to mimic that same breakfast anytime you have to eat breakfast on the go. Chances are, you’ll find that you’re able to construct very similar meals away from home with some fun new variations to add variety.

A big part of success in your health and fitness goals is having the mindset of determination. Become laser focused on eating the foods that serve you, so that you can return home feeling better, rather than feeling like you took two steps backward.


Like most things in life, success begins with a decision. Magic happens when you decide that nothing is going to stop you from achieving your goals. 


Enjoy this episode and share your biggest take-aways in the comments section below!


Stay strong, friend.


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