How to Reach Your Next Level

general health mindset watch (videos) May 21, 2018

It’s just SO easy to become complacent.

Before you know it, months (or years) go by and all of sudden you find yourself in a place that you never intended.

You find yourself less than your best.

You find yourself telling yourself that things need to change.

You find yourself wishing and hoping to make things better…and yet you wake up day after day, facing the same reality.

And I know from experience, that it doesn’t feel good.

When are you going to stop letting “good enough” be good enough for you?

What needs to happen to make you step up and start taking action on the things that you want for yourself?

What is your “next level”?

What does the next phase look like for you?

If you could snap your fingers and have the body and health that you dream of, what would it look like?

For real…stop right now and talk to yourself for a minute…

Why aren’t you reaching your next level?

Are you procrastinating? Are you afraid to take action?

Or, do you feel that taking action is more of a hassle than staying idle?

Listen up!

There is absolutely nothing standing in the way of your reaching your dreams.

I know that sounds incredibly idyllic and naïve…but it’s true.

If you truly wanted to reach those goals, you could. Right? You and I both know it. You know that if you really wanted to, you could reach those goals.  

So, why aren’t you?

Because listen…time is ticking…and the quality of your life depends on the decisions that you make today.

It’s not enough to simply wish for or “intend” your goals to come true. Setting high quality intentions is important for sure, but the only way that you’ll make things happen is to take action.

Check out this week’s new video…

Holly started Women’s Strength Nation to improve the ratio of women to men strength training around the world. You can Join the Movement by sharing your thoughts and questions below. Your thoughts and ideas may help another woman’s journey. Please join the conversation and leave a comment below!

Stay strong, friend. 

Want to hear even more on this topic?

Be sure to check out “LIVE with Holly” HERE!

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