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6 months is all it takes

When you stop focusing on body weight and start focusing on body composition, you redesign your biology and actually create permanent change.

The Body Composition Project is currently in session.

Right now there are 26 women on their six month journey to becoming more muscle and less fat. Will you be next?

When you add your name to the Waitlist now you'll be the first to receive notice when the next round begins in the Fall of 2024.


Everything changes when you're 70% lean muscle.

And if you're one of the millions of women who have more than 30% body fat, now is the time to change that.

You can't afford to neglect your health any longer. Think about many people get to avoid health issues as they get older? Very, very few. And the ones who do, are usually the ones who prioritize their health.

The Body Composition Project was designed on the research and science of improving your ratio of lean muscle mass to body fat. This is the sign you've been waiting for to make the changes to create the body you need. 


After 30 years in practice, I can confidently say that I've got the tools to show you how to get your best body ever.

If you'll let me, I can help you create the body you need to keep up with the life you love.

I've got a degree in Exercise Physiology and Nutrition from The Pennsylvania State University, and am a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. I'm the author of the Women's Health book Lift to Get Lean - the strength training book for women. 

The Body Composition Project opens twice per year in March and September. Be sure to join the waitlist so you can be the first notified.

Join the Waitlist Now